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                  Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training
                            Office of the Controller of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
                              Regular/Back Exam-2079, Bhadra /Ashwin
         Program:    Diploma in IT Engineering                      Full Marks: 80                                                      
Year/Part:  II/I (2016)                                                    Pass Marks: 33                                                         Subject:      Database Management System                Time: 3 hrs.                                                  .............................................................................................................................                                          Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The                                                          figures in the   margin indicate full marks.                                                                                                                                           Attempt Any Eight questions.

1.    Define terms data, information, database and DBMS.                        [10]

2.    What are various types of data models? Explain them.                       [10]

3.    Explain ER diagram with its symbol. Draw E-R diagram of             [4+6]

"School Management System".

4.    Consider the relation schema:                                                  [4x2.5]
Student (stu_name, stu_no, program, address)
Write down queries to:
a) Find all students who study in IT program.
b) Find all students whose name start with "A".
c) Find all students whose student number is greater than 20 and                                                             
study in Civil program.

d) Find all students who have "BI" or "KA" in their names.

5.     Define relational database. Explain different types of keys.            [3+7]

6.    What are integrity constraint? Explain about different                     [2+8]

domain constraints.

7.    What is normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF and 3NF.                       [2+8]

8.    What is difference between authentication and authorization?        [5+5]

Explain types of authorization.

9.     Write short notes on: (Any Two)                                             [2x5=10]
a) ACID properties of transaction.
b) Centralized Vs Distributed database

c) Referential Integrity
Good Luck!


 **Any problem Contact here :- ( info@arjun00.com.np, arjun7.com.np@gmail.com  )